Guest bloggers Micro Scooters explain how a simple scoot to the park with your toddler can help them hit those all important milestones as well as fostering healthy habit that will literally last a lifetime.

Scooting doesn’t just empower toddlers to travel from A to B. It helps to establish important life skills whilst hitting those all-important developmental milestones. By riding a scooter, children can develop the all-important framework of gross and fine motor skills important for the classroom.
Micro scooters commissioned research with Brytespark- a team of experts in biomechanics and child development, who combined their knowledge with expert opinion from around the world. The clever people at Brytespark have helped Micro scooters create some games to help encourage and support deliberate play, Play for Life - Deliberate Play Games
What is Deliberate Play?
When play is deliberate, it means that the parent actively engages their child in a game, with a clear aim: to assist in the physical development of the child.
Whilst the parent has a clear goal, the child is not aware of the intention. Meaning that infants are fully immersed in the positive experience rather than resistant to commands. Such games are specifically designed to not only help a child to achieve certain development milestones, but also to embed these skills. As a result the child moves through their physical development stages more quickly and with more confidence.
What do you Mean by Developmental Milestones?
Developmental milestones include all the things a child does for the first time, such as taking their first steps. Whilst all children develop at their own speeds, not many parents realise that many infants are ready to scoot by the age of 18 months.
Some key developmental milestones at this age include:
• Pointing to show others something interesting
• Exploring alone but with parent close by
• Following 1-step verbal commands
• Pulling toys while walking
• Walking up steps and running
• Walking alone
Embedding and securing skills at each developmental milestone is very important as they give children confidence in their own physical ability. As a result, children are able to move with a better understanding of their bodies, their capabilities (and limitations) and therefore less likely to take unnecessary risks. Children also actively seek new physical experiences and will continue exercising and enjoying activities into later life. Instilling habits that last a lifetime.
Author: Micro Scooters Ltd
Instagram: @microscooters